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You guys are lucky you can have feelings. I never cried at anyones funeral. It's very bad to not be able to express your emotions. And yes thats even before I went on an ssri.
Yeah i am the same.
I cant seem able to cry no matter if i'm on a medication or not
I wonder though if i tried to join the army and did that basic initial training that you have to pass to get in and i had a drill sergeant yelling and screaming right in my face, i wonder if i would break down and cry like a girl
know what i mean ?
I've thought about it, I sure have!
overdosed on delorazepam + vodka and threw up, then fell asleep soon after
I tried to commit suicide on a bottle of Paxil, a bottle of Prothiaden (dosulepin) and a bottle of L-tryptophan. About 300 pills in total. How I managed to get them all down without gagging I don't know, I must have been very desperate to pull that one off.

Needless to say I was close to being dead, was resuscitated several times and kept in a coma for a few days. Then within hours of being awake, I was transported to the mental ward by ambulance and with a police car (with sirens on!) behind us.

All in all a great experience :um
I tried to commit suicide on a bottle of Paxil, a bottle of Prothiaden (dosulepin) and a bottle of L-tryptophan. About 300 pills in total. How I managed to get them all down without gagging I don't know, I must have been very desperate to pull that one off.

Needless to say I was close to being dead, was resuscitated several times and kept in a coma for a few days. Then within hours of being awake, I was transported to the mental ward by ambulance and with a police car (with sirens on!) behind us.

All in all a great experience :um
Holy sh*t.
I tried to commit suicide on a bottle of Paxil, a bottle of Prothiaden (dosulepin) and a bottle of L-tryptophan. About 300 pills in total. How I managed to get them all down without gagging I don't know, I must have been very desperate to pull that one off.

Needless to say I was close to being dead, was resuscitated several times and kept in a coma for a few days. Then within hours of being awake, I was transported to the mental ward by ambulance and with a police car (with sirens on!) behind us.

All in all a great experience :um
That's pretty epic. What was with the police car? Ambulances already have sirens and awesome drivers, the police car wouldn't get it there any faster.

Erm... I once took two pills instead of one by accident. Found it hard to get to sleep that night.... Was really hard to get up the next morning. Had to hit the snooze button like 5 times!! Yeah.... :sus
Accidentally od'ed on codeïne once, but it wasn't that much and codeïne is not that harmful if you od on it I guess. I only felt like my stomach was exploding, and then I sat by the toilet for 2 hours feeling nauseous/like I was gonna pass out.
Lots and lots of xanax bars and roxicodone. Attempted death by green, yellow and blue. Twice. Non suicide related, once ate my whole script of 60 1MG klons and went to vote for Obama.
Apparently the police escort is standard procedure over here for people who are deemed "a danger to society". There was also one police officer with me in the ambulance. Trying to kill yourself apparently makes you not only a danger to yourself, but also to society.
Overdosed on about 4mg Kpin, a few Xanax + a lot of vodka. Heart almost stopped.
Overdosed (sort of) on Ritalin, called an ambulance as I thought my heart would give out (going about 200 beats/minute).
Overdosed on GBL at work, they fired me as I was acting almost psychotic.
ODed on GBL some other time and had a seizure.
Chewed too much nicotine gum once and had a seizure.

Now I'm stuck on seizure meds possibly for the rest of my life, but haven't had any accidents like that in a very long time, as I'm much more careful now. If I ever mix dangerous meds like depressants, a LOT of planning goes into it. It didn't back then. Being on 4mg of Klonopin a day, and permastoned, made me think I was invincible.
My first OD-like experiencie was like 3 years in a high school party event after take zolpidem, marijuana, energy drinks and codeine. I started to get violent and erratic, a couple of dudes just kicked my *** (dont remember why) and then I collapsed on the bath floor. Very shameful.
OD on heroin once, just chased too much (I took also a bunch of temazepams) and end up with bradycardia and loss of concious in my bedroom alone. Very close to death.
But my worse OD wan on cocaine (5 grams binge in 2 days, no lie) the past month. Rushed by friends to an local hopistal with hypertensive crisis. I end up with myocardial damage.
Just not cool stuff.
I took a heap of seroquel and alcohol and went into a delirium for 4 days
It's hard to explain what a delirium really feels like but i remember lots of it and sore things that i can't really explain. Why a drug that blocks dopamine makes you hallucinate like that i dunno ?? The worst part was being hand cuffed to a hospital bed for 4 days and i think i was making lots of noise so they really hated me and embarrassed myself
****ting in a bed with a tube up your penis for when you piss is not nice
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